Sunday, June 23, 2013

Kicked off the 2013 season as Met Man Mike's Sibling and BIL joined the Salt Ponds crowd for a fine morning sail in Willoughby Bay.  Underway around 9:30 with a fair SSW breeze.  The usual first day hijinks ensued - gas tank relief valve too tight, port jibsheet took wings (poor bowline), bonk on noggin from unplanned jibe, spilt brewski, lost hat, pressurized bladders.  Eventually things settled down to a demonstration of excellent helmsman awareness by BIL-Tim and Doc, neatly skirting through the crab pot obstacle course at speeds just short of R&B warp.  The day was saved by positive attitudes, chips and creamy dips from the Peninsula, and good humor all round.  Capped off by a visit to Sunset Grille.  We're ready for summer.  It started yesterday.