The deck log of the Cal 25 sailboat "R&B Odd@sea". Homeport: Norfolk Naval Station Marina, Norfolk, VA, USA. Capts: Blue: M. Rowland; Gold: A.D. Beach.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
The 2010 season opened with a short one hour cruise around Willoughby Bay under clear skies and mid-70 degree temps. Very light wind from southwest. Mounted the motor which started right up after a thorough winterizing. Dodged at least 10,000 crab pots. Uneventful RTB.
Age has finally caught up to us all. This month's wine is the '08 Mouton Cadet Merlot. Gentle in spirit, an unobtrusive, complementary sidekick to more raucous dining fare. A particularly welcome memory on the morning after.
Lessons from the Sea
If off the deck you opt to pee, My best advice is "Choose the lee"
Good helm turnover when changing tillerman
Don't raise jib til clear of harbor mouth
Don't untie the bow lines
Tillerman stand in hatchway on tacks
Backing down - tiller points to bow direction
The tiller extension slot must always face upwards
S wind = no wind Willoughby Bank
Wear Gloves
Close the Gas Can Vent on departure
Don't Secure the Motor in Gear
The Winches don't go both Ways
Aft Line Port Side - Last to Cast Off
Mermaids Aboard
Irrefutable Proof: an old boat is a real magnet for beauty!